What do I do if I need a new roof?
Because of the method of installation, your gutter protection should be removed before your old roof is taken off and your new roof installed. Proper installation is critical to your gutter protection’s performance, so it is important that the product be taken off and re-installed by the authorized retailer that originally installed the product. Your authorized retailer will also clean the gutters of any leftover roofing material before your gutter protection is re-installed. Now there may be a service charge associated with this work, much like there would be if you needed a satellite dish removed from your roof before a new roof is installed.
Why do I get icicles when I never had them before?

Icicles are not caused by your gutter protection; in fact, icicles are an indication that your gutter protection is working. Here’s what happens: as you know, heat rises. If you have inadequate insulation in your attic and/or little or no ventilation in your roof, the heat from your home rises and heats up the attic area. That heat then warms the roof and with the help of the sun, starts to melt the snow sitting on your roof. As the water trickles down, it comes in contact with the cold aluminum of the gutter protection and re-freezes. Eventually, those small trickles of water become icicles. But remember, without gutter protection, where would that water go? Into your gutter where it would re-freeze, buildup and add considerable weight to the gutter, which could cause the gutter to pull away from the fascia or gutter board. See next question.

What is ice damming and what causes it?

An ice dam is a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of the roof and prevents melting snow (water) from draining off the roof. The water that backs up behind the dam can leak into a home and cause damage to walls, ceilings, insulation and other areas. Ice damming is caused by different temperatures on different areas of your roof. Remember how we talked about icicles above and what causes them? Well the same theory applies with an ice dam. Heat loss from the home causes the snow on the roof to melt and then re-freeze when it rolls down the roof and hits the cold aluminum of the gutter or gutter protection. So how do you prevent ice damming? Adequate insulation in your home preventing the warm, moist air from flowing into and heating up the attic. Also roof ventilation will help in maintaining uniform roof temperatures. You can find additional information on the internet simply by typing in “ice damming.”

With gutter protection, it is installed and forgotten, right?

Not quite. If anyone tells you there is a gutter protection product that is totally maintenance free, they are not being truthful with you. Of all the gutter protection products out there, NOT ONE is maintenance free. Now, there are some that require less maintenance that others. Generally, the least amount of normal maintenance is to clean off the product twice a year, especially if you have a hooded product. These products work on a principle of physics called surface tension. Keeping the front nose clean will help ensure proper performance. Perforated products should be checked twice a year as well. Your Gutter Topper retailer may offer a service plan, which would then make your gutter protection totally maintenance free, at least as far as you are concerned!

What happens if a big storm causes hail or wind damage?

Unless the hail has severely damaged your gutter protection, the product should continue to perform as before. Your Gutter Topper retailer can inspect the product and let you know. It would be rare if your gutter protection suffered wind damage. The product was independently tested and certified to withstand 110 mph winds with no lift or separation from the gutter. If your product needs to be replaced, make sure you use an authorized Gutter Topper retailer and beware of storm chasers.

What’s a storm chaser?

A storm chaser is a “fly-by-night” contractor, who will pretend to be an authorized retailer of a product. After he gives you an estimate for repair, and your insurance company has approved a settlement, he will take off your current product and replace it with an inferior one, that costs him much less. When you discover the product is not working properly, that contractor is no where to be found. Make sure you use a reputable and authorized retailer.

You said the product was tested. Tested for what?

All of the products manufactured by Gutter Topper have been independently tested and certified. The key words here are “independently tested and certified.” That means someone else tested the product so there was no chance of the results being skewed in our favor. If the product failed, the product failed, and that’s what would be reported. Of course, the product didn’t fail. In fact, it passed with flying colors. We told you about the wind test – 110 mph winds with no lift or movement. It was also tested and certified to handle 22 inches of rain per hour. That’s 44 feet of rain in one day – more than Hurricane Katrina dumped on New Orleans! It was also tested and certified to withstand 1200 pounds of weight per square foot. That’s comforting to those of us who have to deal with snow and ice. See for yourself – Independent Test Results.

I was told that attaching the Gutter cover to my roof will void my shingle warranty or allow my roof to leak. Is that true?

The gutter protection is attached with deck screws, not nails, and those screws are then covered with a protective sealant. It will NOT void your shingle warranty. But don’t believe us – ask the shingle manufacturers. Two of the largest shingle manufacturers in the United States answer that question.

Where is the product manufactured?

We’re proud to say our products are manufactured right here in the good old U.S.A. Our 43 thousand square foot manufacturing plant is located just outside of Cincinnati, Ohio. The product is formed with sophisticated digitally controlled roll forming machines and each piece is personally inspected and approved by specially trained employees. In fact, they initial each and every box showing that they stand behind the product’s integrity.

How does it work?

a. When using Gutter Topper, it’s a principle of physics. When it rains, the water runs down your roof and over the gutter protection. Because of surface tension, the water travels around the specially designed nose of the product, into your gutters. As an example, take a glass and place it sideways under the facet, turn on the water and you will see the water split in both directions going around the glass and then meeting from both sides at the bottom of the glass.

b. For products that are perforated, the water runs down the roof, onto the gutter protection and through the perforated holes. This allows the rainwater in but not the leaves or debris.

Do you have colors that match my roof or gutter?

We have a variety of colors that will match almost any roof or gutter. In fact, you can see how the product will look on your house by using our online Color Selector.

What does the product warranty cover?

Our products carry transferable paint warranties that vary by product. Check with your local gutter covers retailer for information. There are terms and conditions as with any warranty.

Will this work on any type of roof or gutter?

In most cases, Gutter Topper can be installed on any type of roof or gutter. The product was designed to work with all types of roof designs and gutter systems. To be sure, contact the local Gutter Topper representative in your area. Contact a retailer near you.

Which kind of gutter cover works for my house?

To determine the right gutter cover for your home, here are a few things to consider:

What kind of trees are around your home?
What is the pitch of your roof?
What type of roof covering do you have?

Click here for a free estimate from a dealer near you.

Why do I need gutter protection on my home?

Gutters do not work properly when they are clogged with dirt, leaves and debris. When gutters
become clogged and overflow, it can cause damage to your landscape, soffits, foundation, roof
and siding.

Where can I purchase gutter protection from Gutter Covers?

gutter covers from Gutter Topper is available exclusively through our nationwide
network of dealers. Our dealers have been factory trained to provide you with the best possible
solutions to your gutter challenges. They receive product and installation training so you can
rest assured the job gets done right! Click here to get a free estimate by a dealer near you.

How much does gutter protection cost?
There are many things that go into determining the cost of the gutter protection as well as the
installation of the product. Some of those factors include:

  • The number of stories of your home
  • The pitch of your roof
  • Any fascia repair and replacement
  • The size of your gutters
  • The condition of your gutters
  • The number of corners on your home inside or out
  • The overall length of your gutters

Click here for a free estimate from a dealer near you.

Do certain trees affect your gutter covers?

Yes. If you have these trees your gutter and /or gutter covers will need extra maintenance:

White Mulberry

These trees are weedy, extremely messy, and insect prone.



These trees are weedy, messy tree that you’ll want to refrain from planting in your yard.


Eastern Cottonwood

Extremely messy, emits sticky sap, very weedy, breaks up in storms, short-lived, very prone to insects and diseases, roots crack pavement and invade water lines.


Bradford Pear

These trees do not weather well over time and are considered invasive. They also produce stiff thorns as long as 3 inches.


Mimosa trees

These invasive trees are very messy, littering spent flowers, seed pods and sap from the foliage. They are very susceptible to Fusarium wilt, which is a disease that often kills trees completely to the ground.

How do I find a dealer near me?

Visit the link and fill out the form.

How do I become a dealer?
Please reach out to us to start a conversation here.